Top 10 Patient Safety Concerns 2024

 Top 10 Patient Safety Concerns 2024

ECRI releases its top 10 list of top patient safety concerns for 2024. The list is ranked in order of concern, one being the most significant. You can download the full report at


1.      Transitioning new clinicians from education to practice

2.      Workarounds with barcode medication administration systems

3.      Access to maternal and perinatal care

4.      Unintended consequences of technology adoption

5.      Physical and emotional well-being of healthcare workers

6.      Complexity of preventing diagnostic error

7.      Equitable care for people with physical and intellectual disabilities

8.      Drug, supply, and equipment shortages

9.      Misuse of parenteral syringes to administer oral liquid medications

10.  Preventing patient falls


Who is ECRI? ECRI is a global, independent authority on healthcare technology and safety. ECRP services assist the healthcare community through quality improvement,  reducing costs,  and achieving better outcomes.



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